It’s time to play some golf under the stars at HGC! On Friday, July 14th, we will be holding our second-consecutive Night Golf event!
The format will be a 9-hole 2-person scramble, walking only (very limited carts may be available only for extremely special circumstances), with tee times starting at 9:00pm.
The entry is $50 per person, which includes:
• LED light-up golf balls for use during your round.
• Merchandise prizes (Pro Shop gift cards) and other awards (including rounds of golf at local courses).
The event is limited to the first 60 players to sign-up. Golfers are encouraged to sign-up in pairs, but we will work to pair-up any singles that want to play, as well.
Tee boxes, flagsticks, cups, and some yardage markers will have some illumination, but golfers are also encouraged to bring a flashlight or phone to provide some additional lighting for the evening.
Contact the Pro Shop at (715) 634-2760 to sign-up! Last year’s event turned out to be a really fun time, and we have every intention of making this year a great one, too!