Our “Pro vs. Pro” Ryder Cup event is still on track for this coming Saturday, October 21st!  A few spots are still open, so if you’re looking to get in another round of fall golf in a really fun format, now is the time to sign-up!

This will be a 27-hole event, with Team Captains Mitch Byrd (“Byrdie Barrage”) and Emilee McCusker (“Emilee’s Boys”) drafting their teams a couple of days before. Tee times on the 21st will begin at 10:00am.

Format: 9-Holes Scramble, 9-Holes Best Ball, 9-Holes Singles. First team to 22 1/2 points wins.

Entry is $20 per player, with each member of the winning team winning $40.

Contact the Pro Shop today to join the fun!