With our long-awaited tee and bunker project slated to commence next week on September 11th, we wanted to give everybody a picture of what the impacts on daily operations are projected to be!

For the week of the 11th, the crew doing work for the project will be on-site prepping, and we do not anticipate any changes to golfing operations (our Men’s Club Championship on the 16th and 17th will be un-impacted!).

The following week, starting the 18th, we are projecting some of the following on a day-by-day basis:

  • Bunkers marked as ground under repair.
  • Temporary forward tees.
  • Presence of workers on course throughout the day.

Assuming weather cooperates, the intention is to have the project completed by the end of the golf season on October 31st. We appreciate everyone’s understanding, as this project will ultimately be incredibly beneficial for the longterm health and playability of the course!

The plans are available to view in the entrance of the Clubhouse, as well as in the Caddyshak dining room.

We will also be doing the annual aeration of our greens on September 28th and 29th this year.