We wanted to take the opportunity to walk everybody through the process of booking times in our two Trackman golf simulator bays.
Times can be booked by calling the Pro Shop (715-634-2760), as well as through the online booking component on our website (haywardgolf.com). The process is the same as during the regular golf season, and it’s an update to our previous online Simulator booking correspondence.

Make sure, regardless of the size of your group, that you select only ONE player, since the simulator time is by the hour, not by the person.

In addition, times can be booked through our mobile app, which — if you haven’t downloaded it — can be found under “Hayward Golf Course” in Google Play or the App Store.

As with booking through our website, only select ONE player regardless of the actual group size.

The process should be fairly straightforward, but we’re happy to answer any questions you might have in the Pro Shop!