Lions Big Cup Scramble: Friday, June 7th

Among the annual traditions at Hayward Golf Course is the Lions Club Scramble in early June, so we’re excited to keep the event rolling and announce that it will be taking place on June 7th!  The relevant details and sign-up information can be found below.  We...

NEW for 2024: Junior Golf League on Sundays!

Our new Junior League will provide junior golfers with the opportunity to move to the next step of their game by competing against similarly-skilled players on a weekly basis throughout June and July on most Sunday afternoons, with limited tee times starting at 3pm....

Mother’s Day Golf Special — Moms Golf Free!

Also, as she’s done in past years, Assistant Golf Pro Emilee McCusker is offering a Mother’s Day lesson package: two lessons, to be scheduled with Emilee for whenever works for both parties, focusing on whichever parts of the game might need improvement! Price is $100...

The Benefits of Being a 2024 Season Passholder

Becoming a Passholder at Hayward Golf Course offers you much more than just a season of golf! Beyond that, a number of extra perks and benefits are available to HGC Passholders. These include: – Reciprocal golf play agreements with several other regional golf courses....

2024 Women’s 9-Hole Grip It & Sip It!

What Is It? Women’s 9 Hole Grip It and Sip It! is a casual, fun 9-hole league designed for working women, new players, and those looking to sneak in a relaxing evening round of golf with other women! This league offers both a casual and welcoming atmosphere with a...

The Pro Shop is Stocked for the 2024 Season!

Assistant Golf Pro Emilee McCusker welcomes you to the 2024 season in the Pro Shop, highlighting some of the new brands we have on offer, as well as some of the new merchandise commemorating our 100th Anniversary! Here’s also a brief overview of some of our...

HGC Ringer Board Contest

This season at HGC, we’re going to be running a ringer board contest. For those who aren’t aware, a ringer board is one in which the best gross score posted on each hole by a player during any round is added to your score for one 18-hole score total for each player....

HGC’s 2024 Fitting Days Schedule

At Hayward Golf Course, we strive every year to provide a range of Fitting Day options for our guests and Passholders so that you’ve got a chance to try out the latest equipment and — hopefully — improve your game a bit! This year, we’ve got a slate of six...

NEW Irons From TaylorMade — Supplies Limited!

TaylorMade has debuted a new seven-piece iron set: P•790 Aged Copper. See the full specs on the sheet below. Price for the set is $1,399. TaylorMade is expecting a fast sell-out for this set, so if you are interested contact Mitch Byrd (715-558-4726)...

2024 Spring Challenge!

With the course now open, it’s time to get a jump on the 2024 Spring Challenge, our two-person match play event! Sign-ups are now open, and we would like to begin assembling the field as soon as possible, so contact the Pro Shop if you’re interested in being part of...

ACE Hole-in-One Membership

For 2024, we are once again partnering with ACE Golf Systems and their automated program to offer a Hole-in-One Membership on our Third Hole. The $50 membership gives you chance for $1,000 if you make a hole-in-one on Hole #3, plus you’ll receive HD video footage of...

Masters Headcover Raffle

Looking to snag some cool Masters gear? We’re hosting a raffle to win one of three beautiful Masters headcovers that will add a touch of extra class to anyone’s golf bag! • $5 per ticket • Five tickets for $20 • There will be three separate winners Tickets can be...

Course Re-Opening This Friday, April 12th!

After our brief taste of golf in March, we’re ready to get back in action for the season! The golf course will be opening on this Friday, April 12th, starting at 10:00am. Carts will be available! This weekend is shaping up to be a great one, weather-wise, so call the...

2024 Masters Pool

It may be hard to believe, but it’s already Masters season! As we’ve done in past years, we’re running a Masters Pool. Last year’s Masters Pool had a record number of entries, and we’d like to beat that this year if we can! The rules are simple: Pick any...

New Junior Sets From TaylorMade!

We’re excited to announce that TaylorMade is launching three new Junior golf sets! Now available for pre-order, with a release date of April 16th! Pricing Size 1 — $249.99 Size 2 — $399.99 Size 3 — $499.99 If you know some juniors looking to...

Course Update

We hope those of you who were around this past week were able to get in a round of golf or two during the fantastic March weather we’ve been having! Unfortunately, the near and medium term forecasts for temperature are much more in line with typical March conditions...

Swing Into Spring Simulator Scramble Reminder

The course may now be open for play, but our Swing into Spring Simulator Scramble is still on for the 15th through the 17th! It’s looking to be a cooler weekend, so the Scramble will take place as-intended in our simulator bays. The field is not yet full, so if you’re...

Course Opening Today!

Given the very unusual winter we had, we know a lot of you have been wondering when the course will be opening for play. We finally have an answer: the course will open for play TODAY, March 11th, starting at 1:00pm! Walking-only for the time being, as the course is...

Golf Bag Sale!

As we rapidly approach the start of the 2024 golf season, we’re offering a selection of golf bags for reduced prices! From now until the end of March (or while supplies last!), our remaining stock of bags from last year are available at a range of SALE prices, from...

2024 Corporate Passes Available!

As we have for the past several years, we’re once again offering Corporate Passes, which are available to groups of individuals with a common business association. Corporate Package (Over 5 Players) — Players in this corporate season pass package will receive...

2024 Players Championship Pool

With the golf season coming up fast, that means it’s already time for the Players Championship, and as such, we’re running a Players Championship Pool! The rules are simple: • Pick any four players in the field. Best three will be counted.• Pick what you...

Announcing New Red/Green Tees For The Course!

To All HGC Passholders & Guests, In the spirit of finding ways to add value for our Passholders and guests without increasing costs, the Hayward Golf Course Board is proud to bring a new Red/Green course to you for play in the 2024 season. The concept is based...

Spring Tune-Up Lesson Special

If you’re looking to kick-off the 2024 golf season with your game in optimal shape, a lesson with our Golf Professionals can be a great way to go about it! In anticipation of the spring season, we’re offering a new lesson special: $60 for one hour of instruction time...

TaylorMade Fitting Day Reminder: February 22nd

A reminder for everybody that our next fitting day in our simulator bays is coming up on Thursday, February 22nd, and it is with TaylorMade! You’ll have the opportunity to try out a variety of new equipment in 30-minute time slots from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. Spots...

Last Reminder: Callaway Fitting Day Tomorrow!

We wanted to provide one last reminder for everyone that our Callaway Fitting Day is tomorrow, January 27th, from 3pm until 7pm. Fittings will be taking place in our Trackman golf simulator bays. Several spots remain open, and you can book a time HERE if you’re...

The Caddyshak is Open! Winter Hours and Menu

With the offseason activity in our golf simulators, the Caddyshak is operating on select days during the week with a new winter menu! HoursWednesday-Saturday 12:00pm – 7:00pmSunday 12:00pm – 4:00pm These hours are subject to change based on simulator...

Back for 2024: Season Pass Referral Promotion

As we’ve done in the past, we’re once again offering a special promotion for Season Pass referrals! Our Passholders are a vital component of everything we do here at Hayward Golf Course. In terms of building a sense of community at the facility and on the course, they...

9-Hole Simulator League Season 2 Begins January 28th

The second season of our 9-Hole league in our Trackman simulator bays begins on January 28th! • 2-Person Teams – $100 per Team • Weekly Match Play (Schedule match with your opponent!) • 3-week playoff based on regular season standings • January 28th – April 6th...

Cleveland/Srixon Fitting Day Added On January 27th!

In addition to Callaway’s Fitting Day on January 27th (see information on that HERE), Cleveland/Srixon will also be on-hand on the 27th from 10:00am to 1:00pm to provide even more opportunities to try out the latest equipment! Times are available in 30-minute slots,...

HGC Simulator Scramble This February!

Winter temperatures may finally be getting colder here in the Northwoods, but the simulator action is only heating up! We’re hosting our first organized simulator golf event in February: the HGC Simulator Scramble! The format is as-follows: • 18-Holes with Putting...

Upcoming Fitting Days with Callaway and TaylorMade

It may still be wintertime, but our Trackman golf simulator bays now afford the ability to host offseason fitting days in the clubhouse! We’re getting started with two of the premier manufacturers in the sport: Callaway and TaylorMade! Callaway will be up first on...

Thank You For Your Support!

We wanted to take the opportunity to thank all those who stopped in for our Holiday Sale over the past two days!  Your support is greatly appreciated, and we’re happy to have been part of your gift-shopping experience this season! We also wanted to announce the...

Christmas Season Pass Sale!

Between now and the end of the year, 2024 Season Passes are available to purchase at 2023’s prices! Beginning in January, most Season Passes will be going up by roughly 5%, so if you want to lock-in some lower rates, now is the time to get a jump start on 2024! Here...

UPDATE: Booking Simulator Time Online

We wanted to take the opportunity to walk everybody through the process of booking times in our two Trackman golf simulator bays. Times can be booked by calling the Pro Shop (715-634-2760), as well as through the online booking component on our website...

Bunker and Tee Project Complete!

We are very happy to let everyone know that our fall bunker and tee project has concluded its major work!  We know this resulted in some inconveniences down the stretch of our season, but we’re confident you’ll be pleased with these updates,...

Simulator Hole Sponsorships

If you’re looking to get your business out there to more people, our new golf simulators offer the ability for companies and business to sponsor holes! Your name/logo will appear during play on 2 holes (on an 18-hole course), and this will be seen on every round...

Thank You!

Even though Mother Nature forced us to close the course earlier than usual, it was a terrific year at Hayward Golf Course.  We recorded over 29,000 rounds played, during a year with a late start and early close.  Your patronage is sincerely appreciated.  Thank you!...

​Thanks For A Great 2023 Season!

As we start to enter the final days of our season, we wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone — our Passholders and our guests — for making 2023 another fantastic year of golf at HGC! We hope all of you enjoyed your time with us, whether you...

Golf Simulator Open House: November 11th & 12th

With the upcoming installation of our Trackman golf simulators, we wanted to make sure that everyone knows about the Open House we’re hosting on November 11th (10am – 6pm) and November 12th (12pm – 5pm). You will be able to stop in and see firsthand...

“Pro vs. Pro” Ryder Cup Event: October 21st

As we’ve done for the last several years, we’re once again hosting a “Pro vs. Pro” Ryder Cup golf event on Saturday, October 21st. We are capping the size of the field at 42 players. This will be a 27-hole event, with Team Captains Mitch Byrd...

2023 HGC Video Content Recap

As our season begins to wind down, we wanted to collect all the videos we created throughout the year in one convenient spot. So if you missed any of these as we shared them while the season progressed, you can catch up with them...

Men’s Club Championship Results

Our 2023 Men’s Club Championship went off without a hitch over the weekend, and we now have two new champs to celebrate, in addition to saluting all who participated this year! Big congratulations to both Jackson Terry and Eric Lawson for their first Club...

Demo Club SALE: Starts Today!

With the autumn season having now arrived, that can only mean one thing: it’s time for some sale prices in the Pro Shop! Starting today, our collection of demo clubs are now on sale for sizable discounts, including: Stealth 2+ Drivers (2) — $550...

Tee and Bunker Project Starts on September 11th

With our long-awaited tee and bunker project slated to commence next week on September 11th, we wanted to give everybody a picture of what the impacts on daily operations are projected to be! For the week of the 11th, the crew doing work for the project will be...

Fall Rates Begin on September 18th

With September only days away, we have designated when our fall rates will take effect. On Monday, September 18th, our fall rates will become active (from that point through the end of the season in October). Here are the rates: 9-Holes Walking: $20.99 9-Holes with...

Bring a Group to Hayward Golf Course

With the fall season rapidly approaching, it’s a great time to consider bringing a group to HGC! Large or small, we can accommodate groups of any size. With our course conditions being among the very best in the Northwoods, the Caddyshak Bar & Grill equipped to...

2023 Solheim Challenge Recap

The 2023 Solheim Challenge was held earlier this week, and we wanted to give everybody a little look at how the event unfolded! Team USA defeated Team EU.  We appreciate everyone who participated and made it an enjoyable day for...

Civic Benefit Reminder / Board Election Results

A reminder for everyone that our rescheduled Civic Benefit Tournament is coming on Sunday, August 27th. Individuals can sign up, and 3-person teams will be assigned by the tournament committee. These 3-person teams will be playing in 6-somes for additional excitement....

Passholders: Don’t Forget to Vote for the Board!

The Hayward Civic Corporation Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Election is happening on Wednesday, August 16th. If you are a 2023 Passholder (including Loyalty Passholders) and are unable to attend the meeting in person, voting is currently open in the Pro Shop,...

Men’s Club Championship: September 16th & 17th

As we cruise through August, it’s time to start thinking about the Men’s Club Championship, which will take place this year on the weekend of September 16th and 17th! Open to all male Passholders of Hayward Golf Course, including Loyalty Passholders. On...

Civic Benefit Rescheduled to August 27th

Due to the unfavorable weather forecast for tomorrow, we have made the proactive decision to reschedule the Civic Benefit golf event to Sunday, August 27th, with a starting time of 12:30pm. We are keeping everyone currently signed-up on the list for the 27th, so if...

Your 2023 Women’s Club Champions!

Our 2023 Women’s Club Championship had a day of beautiful weather yesterday, and we thank and congratulate everyone who participated in this year’s event! Here are the results: Senior (Net) 2nd – Glenda Tesmer 1st – Shirley Redmond Senior...

Introducing the Hayward Golf Course App!

If you’re looking for a convenient way to enhance your Hayward Golf Course experience, HGC now has a dedicated app! Available for download from Google Play and the App Store, our app provides a new way to book tee times, see past and upcoming rounds, and monitor...

President’s Mid-Year Update

From the Hayward Civic Corporation President… I would like to take this opportunity to update our Season Passholders and Patrons about our financial progress and several important projects that the Board has undertaken for 2023. Through June, the course has...

Joe Kuta Senior Tournament: Sunday, August 13th

Senior golfers, mark your calendars!   The 13th of August will be the day of our annual Joe Kuta Senior Tournament!  This is one of Hayward Golf Course’s tentpole events every season, and we’re thrilled to continue the tradition of “The Kuta” in style for...

Board of Directors Candidates Wanted

Do you care about our golf course?  Are you interested in helping our course continue to prosper and grow?  Would you like to have a say in how it’s operated and help plan for its future? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should run for a seat on the...

Twilight Zone Golf Special — Monday, July 17th

If you book a tee time for Monday, the 17th of July, and print out the voucher below (or show on your phone), you will qualify for our “Twilight Zone” special, where we will extend to you reduced Twilight Golf rates, valid for any tee time that day! • 18-Holes:...

Women’s Club Championship — Saturday, July 29th

It’s already starting to be championship season here at Hayward Golf Course, and the first up will be our Women’s Club Championship on Saturday, July 29th.  A one-day event, this Championship will feature TWO divisions: an Open division (for any golfers who wish to...